Thus, I will build upon my skills and knowledge in political analysis and develop a better understanding of systematicthe systemic issues in African states. This program is also appealing to me because students and professors engage in collaborative research. I hope to work with Dr. Elizabeth Carlson because her research examines political behavior in African voters. My research interests relate to her field of study because she explores how African political systems and impacts voter’simpact voters' choice. In the case of the Congo, President Kabila continues to rule because of its authoritarian system, which lessens opposition from other political parties. In addition to research interestinterests, I would like to work with Dr. Joseph Wright because he focuses on comparative studies of political regimes. I was intrigued by his research on aid allocation because it highlights important aspects of aid fosteringfor fostering growth. I think that it would be beneficial to learn from both professors to strengthen my research and teaching skills.

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