Dear Mom and Dad,

Recently in class we have been revising a piece of writing that we started
to write for 10 min at the beginning of the year. This time was called 4 square, where my english teacher would put up a single word, a picture, a quote and a question. The word summer'summer' inspired this informational how tohow-to piece about water skiing. This piece started as a narrative piece about my time at camp and about skiing. When we started to revise it was when, I changed the genre of the piece.

My favorite part of my writing so far is the part in the text where I explained what crossing the wake means. Here is an excerpt from my writing, ‘Crossing the wake: The wake means the part where the boat has its path. The middle white part is the spot you will be in when you learn to ski
. thenThen, when you have more experience you will be going out over the blue hump all the way to the side, and then crossing out the other way.’ One of the reasons that this was one of my favorite lines is because tiit's giving a definition to a phrase that is hard to explain. I think I did a very good job explaining it. The entire summer I didn’t know what it meant because none of my friends could explain it to me, so I asked a counselor and even she struggled to give me a definition that I understood. That is why I really liked this line.


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