It is believed that his homesickness thinspirived him to write such rather dark works. During thatis time, the poems that he wrote there and whicht talked about death wincludered: ''We are sSeven'' and and the poem series named ''The Lucy pPoems''. When looking at these poems, one can not immediately say that ithey talks about death. Even wthen readling, thes lines, whereich death areis meantioned, do not have a bad connotation.; Ffor example, the in ''We are sSeven'', pothem has lines: ''
A simple Cchild,
That lightly draws its breath,
And feels its life in every limb,
What should it know of death?''.
The question seems harmless and not as ominous as death should be. As in Shelley, he has a bilarge amount of works that talks directly about death.; Ffor example, poems like ''On Death'' and ''Death is Here Aand Death is There''. From the headtitlines, it can be already be seen, what the poem is about. Shelley's own life was also more directly connected witho death, as his first wife committed suicide and he also lost his two young children. The surroundings, and all of these life events, had a big influence on his work, and he put all of his misery into his poems.
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