Incremental Gradualism is a failed philosophy, as evidenceevidenced by the wanton destitution of our people. We have tested your ideas for more than a decade and they have not worked for our people. We need a paradigm shift away from the failed rentier staterentier-state economic model that under pins your agenda. Our people need skills and jobs, something that continues to elude you guys. The masses are waryweary of successive national budgets being balancebalanced on their backs, while a minuteselect few luxuriate in the nation's resources as though it is awere their birth rightlyright. The fact remains, that the Unity Party offers no new remedies to the protracted woes of the country. The latter daylatter-day token infrastructure projects are not going to cut it, because our people are not as gullible as you think. Twelve years of serfdom iswere enough. It is time for a "new social" contract with those who will honor it.
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