Over the years, there has been a major growth ofin the public health sector in the United Kingdom (UK); having, resulting in the separate development of different professions and occupational groups in health care. All the different professions and occupational groups may be interdependent in some ways, but the rise in status can have a severe impact on interprofessional workingwork (Thomas et al., 2014). Interprofessional workingwork requires a healthcare professional workingto work with people fromwithin their own professional, with peopleprofession, as well as outside of their profession and with patients and their families (Fox and Reeves, 2015; Newton et al., 2015). A multidisciplinary approach is usedapplied by utilising the knowledge, skills and best practice frompractices of multiple disciplines to give an improved collective understanding of complex patient’spatient needs. However, each healthcare professional hasmaintains their own professional identity, which is their developed beliefsknowledge, attitudesattitude and understanding of their role withinin terms of their profession. This can influence an individual’s way ofapproach to interacting with others as part of an interprofessional healthcare team, which can be both positive and negative, thus impacting on patient safety. Despite having consensus among healthcare professions that multidisciplinary team workingteamwork is vital into ensuring that safety is paramount with the care of patients, there has been a failurefailures in patient safety in many caseshave been noted, such as Lord Darzi’s and the Francis report (Robert Francis QC, 2013; CAIPE, 2008). This raised some question on leadership culture and communication whichthat allowed the harm ofto patients (Robert Francis QC, 2013; Department of Health, 2008), and thiswhich will be further looked at in this assignment. It is therefore essential that radiographers work appropriately with others in the field and that they are “able to contribute effectively to the work undertaken as part of an MDT” to deliver this care (Health and Care Professions Council, 2013).
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