In many democratic countries, the point of education is not only to learn but to get recognised as a qualified person in a particular subject as well. When I moved to England, my high school qualification from Pakistan was not recognised and became invalid. Along with English, I was required to do exams for Maths,maths and Sciencescience again, to achieve the high school academic qualification. This is connected to the policy and practice of education that differs in many countries. Most of the countries have different measurements and standardstandards of qualification that students have to achieve in order to meet the requirement of society’s phenomena of education. There is more focus placed on the promotion of qualification rather than on education. As Biesta articulates, that in the domain of qualification, ‘we: ‘We end up valuing what is measured, rather than that we engage in the measurement of what we value’ (Biesta, 2010). This suggests that it is not educationally valuable learning, when student’s achievement isstudents' achievements are readily assessable, in the academia, in such a way that a qualification that addresses us as qualified has more value than individualistic skills and learning.
A professional
encountersencounter situation is one where service users’users needs, and background can be very complexedcomplex, and professionalprofessionals have to interpret personal knowledge and prioritise issues that need to be dealt with immediately, and know what can be left as the subsidiary. This work experience has taught me, that the hidden curriculum that is conveyed in the classroomsclassroom corresponds to the structure of social capital, which is exercised in a work environment. It suggests that the ascribed meaning of professional socialisation comes from our interaction with others through language, symbols and behaviours, such as learning norms and values at school. We fit ourselves into given roles and act accordingly, because we observe, and are implicitly, educated to do so (Bulmer, 1996).

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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