President George W. Bush served in office from January 20, 2001, to January 20, 2009, as a Republican. One Tuesday night, after the attack on the World Trade CentersCenter and the Pentagon, President Bush made a speech to help America stay positive and moving forward. He states, “America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time,” as he addresses America and the citizens of New York and Washington (Bush, parpara. 17). President Bush useduses tone, diction, and parallelparallels to help relax America in that time of oppression.
The tone of his speech suggests that President George W. Bush is passionate about how the U.S
. will handle the situation. AsAnd he talks about America being the "brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity onin the world," and states that no one will be able to take that light away from us (Bush, parpara. 7). He has hope that we will get through the attack and make the country a better place. We will keep our light shining. "Americans from all walks of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace” (Bush, parpara. 17). President Bush argues that although we have had a hard time, we will come together as one and fight for our country. President Bush also sets, in our minds, descriptive words that add to the tone of his speech.
The diction used in this speech helps the reader perceive the significance of the effect that the attack had on the U.S. "Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror" (Bush,
parpara. 3). Using the words "evil" and "despicable" provides the passage with a disapproving diction. President Bush argues the point that the terrorist attack was not a good event, but could be turned into a learning experience for the country.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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