Please help to determine the right wordwords on the below questions. Below is the description from the website, but I believe something is wrong inwith the English.

1. Standard Products and Promotional Products

Standard Products: on-demand instances (products) and one-year reserved instances (products) listed on Huawei Cloud official website
Promotional Products: promotional instances (products) and three-year reserved instances (products) listed on Huawei Cloud official website (

2. Agent and Reseller
(just twoModes (Two ways that solution partners can associate with their customers.)
My Question: What should we use here: Agent and
Resale, Referral and Resale, or Agent and Reseller?Reseller
Sample sentences are as follows:
Partners choose to associate with a customer
byin Agent or Resell modeReseller Mode.
Customers are associated with partners
byas an Agent or a ResellReseller.
Solution partners,
instead of HUAWEI CLOUDas opposed to Huawei Cloud, are responsible for providing billing and invoicing forto customers that are associated by Resellwith Reseller mode.
Select the customer that is associated
by Resell modewith Reseller Mode for whom you want to adjust the credit limit.

How can we
simplysimplify these sentences?

Here are the meanings of the Agent and
Resell ModesReseller modes for your reference:

Agent Mode: Partner-Recommended Customers:
customersCustomers recommended by a partner to directly deal with Huawei. Huawei Cloud is responsible for issuing customer invoice issuanceinvoices and payment collection, and partners are responsible for first-line service support. If any problem occurs inwith the customer payment collection, partners are obligated for redemptionpayment.

ResellReseller Mode: Partner-Managed Customers: customersCustomers who directly deal with partners to use Huawei Cloud. Partners are authorized to sign thea contract with customers and are responsible for issuing customer invoice issuanceinvoices, payment collection and service support.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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