The History or knowinghistory of, or knowledge about, what the civil rights movement was and what it has done for us gives us even more reason to fight for what we believe in. As an African American, I feel that it is important for me to keep my head held high and to be comfortable in my own skin. While learning about the history of the civil rights movement, I came across a few key people thatwho stood out to me during that time. Rosa Parks was a woman who took a stance for her rightrights as an African American, and she was an activist who could not take the injustice anymore. In The Civil Rights Movementthe civil rights movement article, it says “ On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a seamstress and well knownwell-known activist [..] had been taken from a bus, arrested, and put in jail for refusing to give up her seat.” This act led to the bus boycott in respect of Rosa ParksParks' arrest. African American men and women were angered and justsimply had enough of the disrespect they had received from Whitewhite people. This particular person has impacted me in a way because she didn’t just do ittake a stand for what she believes in to cause trouble, butrather she made it her business to allow for the whiteswhite people to see that she isn’twasn't going to hidhide in fear and let them push her around any longer. I felt that Rosa Parks would have put herself through anything to gain her rights and to be treated as equal. Rosa Parks wasn’t the only African American who was tired of the hatred back then, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was another. In an article online calledtitled, “History 101,, it says , “ On October 19, 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested at a sit-in protest at Rich’s lunch counter in Atlanta, Georgia.[..] Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t afraid of a little jail time. Especially, especially when it came to standing up for his and other African American's civil rights.

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