Since childhood, I always loved playing video games and was captivated by any games that include interior design. From that point on in my life, I found my self becamebecoming more and more interested in interior design. There is one video game in particular that stuck with me until now, which is Virtual realityReality (VR), because interior designers are enchanted with a particular focusingfocus on VR, and how they can combine the two realityrealities together. Nowadays, people enjoy playing a video game rather than going outside and beginbeing active. So for the senior project, I focused on combining my two passions, which isare video gamegaming and interior design, by createcreating a space that will help people be more active and also entertained at the same time, which is a gym that will include VR which is a video game allowsallowing people to travel the world while being in one place.

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