Sometimes in marriage, there may not be mutual love between the two people who are together, so Mrs. Mallard isn’t happy with her married life. According to the short story,’’ "What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in the face of this procession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!”(Chopinbeing!" (Chopin 97). So the news of her husband brought happiness to her life and givegave her freedom. Another example,’’ "Free! Body and soul free!”(Chopinfree!" (Chopin 97). This showsdemonstrates how the relationship between husband and wife in the 1919th century because Chopin emphasizes that is how men are more powerful and dominant. It shows how Mrs. Mallard doesn’t have the rights to stand against her marriagemarried life since women in the 1919th century were heavingheavily looking down upon. ChopinChopin's messages are is for women to find self-realization before it is too late, so they can find independence, even if they have to sacrifice their marriage. The wayreason why Mrs. Mallard had a miserable marriage lifemarriage was because she has always resided in the shadowsshadow of her husband. This short story supports a patriarchal society that is presented through marriage and women’s lack of freedom.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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