I remember holding onto my seat really tight and hoping I didn’t fly out, hoping I made it out alive.

It was October 6th and my family and I were on our way to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. We were staying at San José so it was about a one hour ride to Santa Cruz but to me it felt like a three hour ride because there was a lot of traffic. Once we got there, I got offout of the car quickly and started throwing up. I felt sick to my stomach and the fact that we still had to wait in line to get the tickets, therethrew me off more. I already felt light headingheaded at this point so I really wasn’t looking forwardsforward to anything.

After we got our tickets, my family agreed to go to the beach so we were at the beach for quite some time. Since I felt sick, I was just laying down on the sand. And all of a sudden, I was just being carried by my god brother (Gio). I kept screaming at him to put me down and he just kept running like a wild animal until he stopped. I was wondering to myself why he stopped but then I felt myself in the water. Yes! He had threwthrown me to the water! I was furious so I went looking out for revenge, I chased him and that’s when iI noticed I was in a much better mood. My parents and the rest of my family except my aunts (Gloria and Abdi) stayed at the beach. Then my aunts asked me to go on rides with them. We went to look around to see what kindkinds of ride there were and there was a lot of big and terrifying rides.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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