theThe major difference between the catholicCatholicism and protestant churches is theyProtestantism is that, while their adepts worship the same god butGod, the principles of faith are differences. the first major difference is understanding of the bible, for protestant Christians,behind these forms of Christianity are different. Martin Luther, made clear that for Protestants the bibleBible is the'' sola skirptura '' god'sthe "Sola Scriptura", God's only book, in which allows them to enter in communion with himHim. catholicsCatholics, on the other hand, do not basbase their beliefs on the bibleBible alone. alongAlong with the holy scriptureHoly Scripture, they are additionally bound by the traditions of the roman catholic churchRoman Catholic Church. and understanding the churches, the churchesCatholics have a different view of the nature of the church, - catholic means '' all-embracing'' they call'all-embracing', so their church worldwide,is under the leadership of the pope and protestantPope. The Protestant church instead emerged for reformation ''evangelical''from the Luther's Reformation - 'evangelical' means '' according'according to the gospel'' do not make upgospel', so theirs is not a united churchChurch. three is the pope, protestants are not toWhereas for Protestants there is no open papal primacy according to thetheir evangelical view, this dogma contributes statements in the bible. Catholics see the popePope as the successor of St Peter the aposhe peter, headApostle, the Church's Head church, who was appointed by Jesus. the roman catholic churchThe Roman Catholic Church believes sacraments were instituted by Jesus and that they can forprovide God's grace. most protestantMost Protestant churches only practice two sacraments: lords supperthe Eucharist, which isand Baptism; these are perceived as symbolic rituals that deliver godGod's gospel. the catholicThe Catholic church also practices the veneration of saints. and the protestantThe Protestant church is unbiblical, according to reformation viewsthe Reformation, says that every person may and should pray directly to god. these wereGod instead. These are the main differences of protestant churchesbetween the two Christian denominations.

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