Dear Ms Gabriel,
I am Feyo Vereecken,
a student at Odisee University of Applied Sciences.
I read your paper "Intermittent treatment with farnesyltransferase inhibitor
ansand sulforaphane improves cellular homeostasis in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria fibroblasts", and I would like to ask you a question.
One of our classes
, "research skills", focusses on improving our ability to find reliable sources to use in future researches of our own. We have been assigned to write a paper in groups of 3 about a subject of our choice. We chose to write a paper on how restoring the abnormal lamin A can provide a more effective treatment for progeria.
Before actually writing the paper
, we need to follow certain steps. The first step was for each of us to look up 4 papers containing information about our subject. Your study was one of the papers I selected. Our next step is to set up a poster presentation about one of the selected papers. Yet again, I chose your paper because it contained a huge amount of information and was filled with useful graphics.
I would like to ask you if
it were possible toyou could possibly send me thea high resolution version of the graphs and immunofluorescence images used in your paper. This way, I can enlarge the images without them becoming blurry or pixelated.
I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to read this message and for taking
inmy request into consideration my request.
Please stay safe during this pandemic, I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Feyo Vereecken

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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