There is no denying that our mother earth is in danger and this is something that each one of us knows. The occurrence of natural calamities like Tsunami hastsunamis have increased multifold in the past decade, inviting expertsexperts' views to outline the underlying causes of this problem and what can be done to combat this.


The foremost reason that poses the serious threat to our environment is the harmful gases present in the air. In the past decade, the uncontrolled use of automobiles has increased multifold
, which, in turn, emits harmful gases like Carboncarbon monoxide. The electronic appliances of our daily use, like air conditioners and refrigerators, also contaminate air by the discharge of harmful substances. The diverse effect of these gases leads to air pollution and global warming.


It is mainly due to human activities that theThe planet has reached unsustainable levels mainly due to human activities, and now it is our duty and responsibility to lower the losslosses that has beenhave already done tobeen sustained by nature. Every individual couldcan play a significant role to combat this problem.

We use
thean enormous amount of plastic in our daily lifelives, so let’s say ‘No’ to plastics. Instead of plastic, we can make use of Eco-friendly substitutes that are readily available everywhere. For example: Use paper and cloth bags for shopping.

The government of every country should implement strict laws for industries
thatto inhibit the release of the toxic wastes and proper waste management. The awarenessAwareness programs should be organized to encouraging citizens to use more of public transport and plant trees in their neighborhoodneighborhoods. The lessLess use of private vehicles will substantially reduce the emission of fossil fuels thereby playing a vital role in addressing this issue.


AtIn the end, I can say that it is the responsibility of each one of us to do our bit for the environment. Let’s work together towards a greener and more sustainable future.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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