Can we work on the routing problem, as INI IDC beenbeing a kind of transit to non INI traffic, there could be history behind, which causecan cause a bottleneck or not an optimal path? Recently, there hashave been a 1-2 changes in Datacenter networks, "which need" access to INI network, instead of taking the path of Backbone (SBR) to INI Core, it’s taking the path of INI IDC, cause an asymmetric routing issue as those specific network subnets are not allowed to OCC INI IDC.

AttachAttached are two recent emails, changes in OCE Corp network VPN users & Extranet Cloud Kubernetes new network subnets, which need access to INI network as It passit passes through OCE INI IDC causing asymmetric routing, the only solution at this moment is a routing change required at OCE INI IDC update prefix-list to resolve it, kind of a bandage we keep doing , Opnet been submitted to get this fixed after post peak.

LongA long term solution will be a major change to get the routing fixed between Backbone and INI network,. I hope we can work on this next year, involvedand involve the firewall team too in case if any rules beenare missing between OCC or OCC INI Backbone firewalls.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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