My name is Laura Catalina Angarita Molano from Colombia. I’m a French philology junior student at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Currently, I’m applying for the exchange program with the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies duringfor the fall semester of 2021.
First of all, I would like to start by telling you a little bit about myself. I was born in marchMarch 27 of 2002 in the beautiful city of Bogotá, Colombia. After finishing my Highhigh school studies, in the first semester of 2019 I had the opportunity to enter the Universidad Nacional. This was a dream come true for my family and me.

My love and passion for humanities, literature and languages led me to choose
the French Philology as a major. Nevertheless, my interest in languages isn’t limited to French. In fact, South Korea, its culture and its language caught my eye from a tender age. For this reason, I started learning Korean, from institutes and on my own. However, I neverhave not yet reached an advanced level due to the lack of practice and suitable environments for this purpose.

This exchange represents
for me the opportunity for me to explore South Korea's culture and master this language by practicing with native speakers while I further my French and English level.

Also, as a future language teacher,
aan exchange with the Hankuk University would allow me to experience different teaching techniques and to have a new perspective of the educational processes so that I can apply them when it is time to share my knowledge of thewhat I have studied or while teaching my native tongue as a foreign language.

The Universidad Nacional de Colombia helped me open my eyes to the world and now I want to expand this vision with the help of the Hankuk University, a birthplace of education and culture.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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