Dear fatherFather,

We should leave with Maria and go to the safe place she has set up. We already know what they plan to do to us. Have you forgotten how they beat us when we did not run fast enough, how they deported all the foreign Jews and killed then leaving only
Moishe left?Moishe? Father, I have already asked to leave once, this may be our last chance to save ourselves. You, however, may think that the Germans do not intend to harm us or are just moving us away from the front line, but if that was true then why didn’t they move everyone else, not just us and the other Jews.

We do not want
the other toto end up like the other Jews and get deported. Moishe told me what had happened to him when he was deported. The Foreign Jews were forced to dig holes then other their necks to the soldiers. Babies were thrown into the air to be used as targets for machine guns. Innocent babies died; innocent Jews died. Imagine what will happen to us. This is one of the many reasons why we need to leave with Maria.

Father the German’s have already taken control of the city. They forced us to follow their rules. If we did not follow the rules, we
wouldwill be executed. Do you want this to happen for the rest of our lives? Think about Tzipora, Bea, and Hilda. Is this the life you want for them? What happens if the German’s think Tzipora is totoo young and weak? They might kill her. Father, I am begging you to let us leave with Maria not just Bea, Hilda, and I, but the entire family.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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