A few weeks ago, on my way to class, I witnessed an absolutely awful sight. Ascene - a handicapped guy struggling to walk up the stairs in our school. I was slightly horrified byat the realization that our school is completely inaccessible for handicapshandicapped people. Getting to the secretariat is quite a nightmare for a person in a wheelchair, and getting to the top floors in most buildings in our school willis simply be impossible.

Why so many stairs?
Even though most teachers in our school agree that there is a problem with
the accessibility ofin our school, nothing seems to ever change. Even the new Shaked building is nearnearly impossible for a handicapped to reach, since you can't get there without going up dozens of stairssteps.

law of equal rights forof persons with disabilities law states that:
"all multi story
"All multi-story school buildings would have an elevator, and an accessible toilet"." However, most buildings in our school have neither one ofof them.

Most buildings in our school are at least a couple of decades old
. Which, which means that they were created before the lawrights of persons with disabilities law was createdenacted. The only way for our school to actually become "handicap friendlyhandicap-friendly" is if we makecreate an accessible environment, which will benefit not only our school but our society, by altering student'sstudents' view of handicapped people.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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