Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

estimada correcto ayerEstimada: Correcto. Ayer durante la tarde fui testigo de la limpieza de autoclave junto a un asistente de laboratorio y sra reinelala Sra. Reinela, quien nos dio unsunos tips para limpiar este mismolimpiarlo, ya que los chicos no se atreven a meter tanta mano por que es un equipo muy delicado.
algunosAlgunos de los asistenteasistentes que ocupan m.....

One of my strongest memories is of the final goal ofin the Rugby World Cup finalFinal between South Africa and New Zealand on June 24, 1995. When it was scored, my best friend, Sheila, and I stood up and cheered — we were so excited! That match was the best we had ever seen. The funny thing was that Sheila.....

buenasBuenas noches profesora, esperando que se encuentre bien, me comunico con usted para conversar sobre el asunto del plazo del trabajo de "comic",: la verdad es que hace tiempo que tengo listo el trabajo - específicamente desde la semana del 30 de agosto - pero por varias circunstancias no nos vimos, s.....


Escribo para presentar mi solicitud de información detallada para financiar la carrera de
contaduría públicaContaduría Pública en el Politécnico Jaime Isaza Cadavid.

Me matricularé próximamente a Contaduría públicaPública para el semestre 2025-1. Específicamente me interesa conocer:

• Solicitud de informaci

In a world where sight and sound often define experiences, individuals who are deaf, blind, or both are frequently marginalized, their needs overlooked in the design of everyday environments. This exclusionary practice can perpetuate feelings of isolation, reinforcing the notion that these individua.....

Buenos días,

Inma por las correcciones, (lasInma, las vi ayer)ayer y las incorporé al documento. En cuanto a la pregunta sobre el apartado «Misión y Visión», creo que debe ser independiente (no forma parte de un resumen ejecutivo). Ayer, indiqueindiqué que ahora no se trata de que sea un ir y venir de correccion.....

Buenas tardes, José Luis:

Mi función en la publicación que nos concierne y, por ende, la del ministerio
, es revisar el texto proporcionado por Uds. y su corrección orto-tipográficaortotipográfica y de estilo. Por supuesto, debo eliminar redundancias en los apartados y ver qué partes del texto son susceptibles de d.....

Dear Mr. Gates,

I hope all is well with you

I am a student at the Newton College and Career Academy, emailing you because I would like to pursue a career in software development, and you are arguably the most qualified person in the world when it comes to this
careerfield. I would like to know how to g.....

Bonjour Mr Nabil,
Suite à ma prise de fonction le 10 juillet 2024, je vous fais parvenir ce rapport sur le GSA NKC.
Il ne fait aucune visite d'agences et corporates.

Il ne fournit pas les rapports hebdomadaires des ventes locales et ceux des visites et potentiels contrats signés.
La fourniture d'a

Estimada Andrea: Espero que este correo lela encuentre bien. Mi nombre es Kevin Sánchez Terrones y me dirijo a usted con gran interés tras haber visto la reciente publicación sobre la vacante de Trainee en el Área de Aduanas. Estoy en el sexto ciclo de la carrera de Administración y Negocios Internaci.....

Dear Team,

I am thrilled to take on the role of team leader and I am looking forward to working alongside all of you to achieve our team's goals. I aim to foster a collaborative and productive environment where everyone feels valued and supported. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't

Just finished watching Ti West's MaXXXine, the third chapter in the X film series... It's not as great as Pearl (2022) but it's better than X (2022)... Mia Goth is back as Maxine Minx, and she is absolutely a star... She certainly shines in this flick and mark my words, she will definitely be an Osc.....

Buenas tardes señor Low.
Revisando el listado de potenciales
, me percato que una cliente en especialespecífica subió de categoría a Gold, la señora XIOMARA TORREZ PERTRUZ .
Al entrar al sistema para ver sus movimiento de juego
, me percato que en 6 visitas hizo una cantidad de puntos y de jugadas que en los úl.....

Our company can assist you with both normal patio covers and fully customized ones, perfect for when you want something unique to make your property stand out. We also couple this with a fantastic landscape design service which is tailored to handle your specific needs in a professional, friendly an.....

July 3, 2024

Honorable Judge Sams
I’m writing
to you today as a mother with both a heavy heart of sorrow and hope. As Makai David’s mother, I have known him his entire life and have observed firsthandfirst-hand the kind of person he is.
Makai has always been an intelligent, kind, considerate, and generous

Title: The Importance of Proofreading

Proofreading is a crucial step in the
writtingwriting process that ensures your work is free from errors and that comunicationcommunication is clear. It involvsinvolves carefully reviewing your text to catch mistakes in grammergrammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Good proofreaders are atteniveattentive to .....

Dr. Heisey,

II would like to thank you for making me part of the SPFHS family in 2003. It was a very stressful year for me because I took a chance, left Roselle Catholic, filled in for a maternity leave at Roselle Park HS, and got into a great district, Scotch Plains-Fanwood. After I accepted the j.....

For many years, I have been deeply interested in learning and developing my career to support the justice system. Growing up in a country recognized as one of the most unequal countries in Latin America, leaded by the second position in the world aswith the highest number of domestic violence crimes and the thi.....

I consider myself a dynamic and multi-skilled person with my background after working for some top-ranking Multinationalmultinational companies in Brazil. OneWhile at one of the big four, Deloitte company, I worked with the leadership team atin the consulting area. Furthermore, workingwhile working for 10 years for the larg.....

‎ ‎‏ ‏In the complex landscape of international relations, where nations navigate a web of alliances, ‎rivalries, and potential threats, American foreign policy serves as a critical instrument for protecting ‎national security and promoting global stability. At the heart of this complex process l.....
